Let's start with the weekend weather.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday the highs are suppose to be in the mid 80's and lows in the mid 50's with sunny skies and only a 10% chance of rain. So it sounds like an absolutely beautiful weekend to spend at the lake.
This weekend marks the beginning of the Lake of the Ozarks Shootout. This event actually runs for a total of 10 days so it covers both this weekend and next. Here is the schedule:
Friday August 17, 2012
Third Annual Central R/C Powerboats Mini Shootout at Kelley's Landing on the 60 mile marker.
5:00pm: Registration and meet and greet.
Saturday August 18, 2012
Third Annual Central R/C Powerboats Mini Shootout at Kelley's Landing.
9am - Noon: Practice runs
Noon - 1pm: Lunch and open swimming
1pm - 5pm: Qualifying runs
5pm: Awards
7pm: Live Entertainment
Sunday August 19, 2012
Third Annual Central R/C Powerboats Mini Shootout at Kelley's Landing
9am - Noon: Top gun racing
Noon - 1pm: Lunch and open swimming
1pm - 4pm: Final top gun racing
Awards Ceremony following racing
Sunday August 19, 2012
Shootout Benefit Golf Tournament at Old Kinderhook Golf Course
Noon: Registration and lunch
1pm: Shotgun start
Awards party immediately following golf
Monday August 20, 2012
The Great Shootout Treasure Hunt at Captain Ron's and Buccaneer Bay
5pm - 6pm: Dinner and drinks
6pm - 7pm: Treasure Hunt
7pm - 8pm: Check out and presentation of awards
Tuesday August 21, 2012
Shootout PWC Dam Run
9am: Registration at Surdyke Yamaha
10am: Start from Surdyke Yamaha to Truman Dam to Shorty Pants
5pm - 6pm: Post Party at Shorty Pants
Wednesday August 22, 2012
Charter's Shootout on the Strip Street Party
6pm - 10pm: Race boats lined up for meet and greet on the Bagnell Dam Strip
Thursday August 23, 2012
8am - 4pm: Vendor Booth and Racer Village set up at Captain Ron's Buccaneer Bay
Noon - 4pm: Charter's Wishing on a Ride Powerboat Rides at Captain Ron's dock 3
4pm - 11pm: Meet and greet with racers
6pm - 8pm: Shootout Benefit Auction at Captain Ron's
8pm: Live Entertainment at Captain Ron's
Friday August 24, 2012
7:30am - 7pm: Poly Lift Poker Run
9am - 5pm: Racer Village and Vendor booths open to public at Captain Ron's Buccaneer Bay
10am - 4pm: Registration at Cannonball Beach at Captain Ron's
7pm: Live Entertainment at Captain Ron's
Saturday August 25, 2012
8am - 4pm: Registration at Cannonball Beach at Captain Ron's
9am - 5pm: Racer Village and Vendor booths open to the public at Captain Ron's Buccaneer Bay
10am - 5pm: Shootout racing
7pm - 1am: Entertainment at Captain Ron's
Sunday August 26, 2012
8am - 3pm: Registration at Cannonball Beach
10am: National Anthem
9am - 4pm: Racer Village and Vendor booths open
10am - 3pm: Shootout racing
4pm: Awards ceremony
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